Sunday, December 29, 2013

Why HTC take Android updates as long -

Many Android users have to wait until a new Android version is also offered by their mobile operator for your own device, because if it appears at all. Why this is so, HTC has now explained.

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“HTC is focused on software updates for both HTC Sense and new major releases timely offer of Android” , it says on the website of HTC. Since the face long waiting times as many doubts on Android updates from HTC is now trying to explain why it often takes so long until a new version of Android reaches individual users and why no updates are available for some devices.

Even before completion of a new version of Android obtain equipment manufacturers like HTC Google a new Platform Devolper kit, short PDK. So that they can evaluate the new Android framework. After Google announced the new version and provides its partners with the source code available. This get equipment manufacturers and chip manufacturers simultaneously. It is then set to the chip manufacturers, whether a new version of Android will be supported by their chipsets.

chipset manufacturers play a crucial role

Should a chipmaker that he does not want to support a new version of Android on a particular chipset, there are no further updates to the appropriate devices. If it does, the chip maker begins to create the necessary drivers and optimizations and then makes them available to equipment manufacturers in the form of a modified board support package (BSP) is available.

If this BSP is a device available, HTC decides whether it is possible to make the new version as a maintainance release available and then begins with the integration of its own interface HTC Sense. For devices that are offered with unmodified Android, such as the Nexus devices from Google, skip this step.

updates for devices with network operator branding take the longest

it should for a device even give adjustments by the mobile operator, now a vote between device manufacturers and mobile operators to begin to determine which adjustments should be made. HTC then begins to integrate these additional apps, services and other requirements in the new source code.

is then either tested the update by HTC or mobile provider before the official testing and certification phase begins. If this causes critical error occurs, a new build must be created and the tests are run again until the tests from Google, manufacturers and regulatory authorities to be passed. HTC then receives a share, either by the mobile service provider in branded products or by Google.

If this release before, prepare either mobile operators, device manufacturers such as HTC or Google’s over-the-air update and start the distribution to customers.

So it finally comes to the fact that Android updates for appliances with Google Play Edition appear fastest practically unchanged with Android, since in this case the fewest steps are necessary, and that it is for devices with HTC’s Sense interface, a little longer lasts. The biggest problem but make devices with network operator branding, since here most of the steps are necessary and the tests will be handled directly by the network operators.


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