Munich Regional Court ruled on Monday in patent dispute between Nokia and HTC in favor of the Finns. So Nokia has obtained a sales ban on all HTC devices with Android in Germany – the One series is concerned. HTC violates the competent judge Matthias Zigann according to a Nokia patent for a method of “transferring resource information”.
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Specifically, it is in the Nokia patent EP1148681 to a method for transmitting data wirelessly between two devices. This refers to transfers via NFC or Bluetooth. Connections over WLAN have nothing to do with the patent. In the U.S., HTC could miss a required Nokia sales ban by a modification. Maybe that would be the solution for the German market.
seen Theoretically, the HTC phones could disappear by the decision of the court of the German shelves. According to the website FossPatents it is not in the patent namely a standard-relevant patent. This means it must not be licensed on FRAND terms. The injunction also be permanent. One can assume that HTC is appealing before HTC One & Co hirzulande Adé say.
Source: FossPatents
more information about this topic:
HTC One Mini
Nokia Lumia 925
Nokia Lumia 928
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