Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Microsoft to buy Nokia | Does the mobile phone competition now tremble? - PICTURE

Microsoft is likely to Nokia! The Group purchases the mobile phone division of the Finns – and is according to Google, the next giant who devours his own mobile phone manufacturer. But what does this mean for competitors HTC, Samsung and Apple? BILD.de makes the check.

class=”crossheading”> few Windows Phones

Just two weeks ago, rumors circulated through the Internet that against the HTC Windows Phones from Nokia does not have a casting and withdraws from the business. HTC’s press chief Jeff Gordon denied very quickly via Twitter: “Contrary to what is reported, we dedicate ourselves to our absolute Windows Phone division.”

The South Korean manufacturer Samsung has only one equipment series, which he delivered with Microsoft’s operating system Windows Phone 8: the Ativ models. All the other top smartphones and tablets from Samsung are equipped with Google’s Android drive.

OS 2 Quarter of 2013 units sold in millions 2 Quarttal 2013 market share in percent
Android 187.4 79.3
iOS 31.2 13.2
Windows Phone 8.7 3.7
BlackBerry OS 6.8 2.9

Source: IDC Market Analysis

Apple itches little

The Americans have also previously not interested in other mobile operating systems. They stay with their own line and it will most likely never deviate. Apple will soon introduce new iPhones, which are then delivered with their own new operating system iOS 7th According to rumors, the presentation of the new devices will be on 10 September 2013 take place.

And what is the rest?

Who builds at all besides the already mentioned large manufacturers of smartphones yet? Siemens was sold in 2005, Motorola is Google since early 2012. Ericsson was in 2002 in Sony Ericsson. Since early 2012, their phones run under the Sony brand. For the IFA technology trade fair, from 4 to 10 September 2013 in Berlin, the company wants to show a new smartphone. But current devices all run Android.

LG is with its new smartphone model G2 in fashion, but is also on Android. Huawei offers a device with Windows Phone 8 to, the others are also equipped with Android.

There remains

Research in Motion (RIM): The new BlackBerry devices (such as the Z10) are equipped with a new version of the operating system’s own BlackBerry10


traditional company Nokia: The Finnish company has developed the best-selling phone in the world - and the forerunner of today's smartphones

Nokia The milestones of the phone manufacturer

It all started with a paper mill and rubber boots – BILD.de shows Nokia’s history. more …

How does the industry?

the upper echelons will not do much: Apple and Android are firmly seated in the saddle. Microsoft itself has to be careful, the company does not want to scare the deal by the other hardware manufacturers.

Unlike Android to HTC, Samsung and Co. 8 must adhere to strict hardware requirements for Windows Phone. Plenty of room for own innovation does not exist. Now, if Microsoft Windows first installs new technology in Nokia smartphones, the competition could feel patronized and completely lose interest.

Microsoft would put characters like Google: The search engine specialist refrained from first-first-use technology in mobile phones of the subsidiary Motorola. The sales of Google Nexus premium devices continue to come from other manufacturers such as LG, Asus and Samsung.

But when his precious Nokia Windows class gives up what remains then?

Barely a few devices from HTC, Samsung and Huawei. And it alone like Apple, Microsoft can now not afford: But keeps Windows Phone 8 is still too little market share – Windows smartphones are still far Renner in stores


Microsoft thus has relatively little room for maneuver in its smartphone business. With the purchase of Nokia only one has changed: The Group can now decide where it should go long


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