HTC now selling its flagship smartphone One also in the version with “pure” Android operating system. The version with the name “Vanilla” can be pre-ordered now in Google’s Play Goals in the United States. The HTC one is Vanilla from 9 Delivered in July and costs $ 599.
class=”foto_container_center”> HTC One Vanilla can be pre-ordered in the U.S. amrikanischen play goals. On the new version of HTC’s flagship smartphone, the pure version of Google’s Android 4.2 runs are performed much faster with the updates. [Source: see gallery] Android enthusiasts will appreciate the new version of the HTC one, which can be pre-ordered now in play goals. The HTC one Vanilla offers customers the same hardware as the normal retail version of the HTC one. The only difference is the operating system that does as opposed to the standard v ersion without surface and applications of the manufacturer. The pure Android operating system in version 4.2 offers buyers of the HTC One Vanilla has the advantage that software updates can be performed much faster.
If and when the HTC one will be available with pure Android play goals in the German is still unknown. However, customers in Germany should refrain from buying the HTC One Vanilla in the U.S., as the smartphone does not support the LTE standard German, as can be read in the article on Rival Samsung also wants to bring in the near future a new version of its Galaxy S4 on the market to which the standard version of Google’s Android is installed.
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