Stephan Serowy
Prior to working at AndroidPIT, Stephan worked for years as a content manager for WORLD online and as a news editor at TIME online, while at the same time he tried to complete his Master’s degree at the Free University of Berlin. After he was disillusioned with the political coverage, he decided his journalistic attention to something more concrete and truer to judge – technology that changed the social life. Since he was increasingly annoyed by the quasi-religious nature of the Apple phenomenon, he naturally developed into a satisfied Android users. He is a colossal science nerd and a passionate musician and spends a lot of time to write and produce music and nostalgic of the good old time with his punk rock band to remember.
announcements of company bosses are not uncommon. But sometimes it’s hard to take them seriously and you ask yourself “believes the that myself!”. A new example of this now provides us with HTC CEO Peter Chou who dreams of huge growth numbers. It would certainly wish him success.
crises are so happy exclaimed lightly, especially journalists from us because of the lurid sound brings more attention. In case of HTC’s what you’d really confidently speak of a crisis and not just since yesterday: Leading employee leave rows of the Company (the analogy of the rats and the sinking ship only prohibits the propriety), continuous profit declines, again and again muffed market launch itself with flagship models flopped hopefuls like the HTC first – and the whole thing with a global market share of around four percent.
Against this background, gets the announcement to increase its market share to 10 to 15 percent, a surreal flavor. It came from the head of the company in the course of a meeting of shareholders, so you want to keep the shareholders at the bar. This creates the impression of a desperate instantly by holding slogan:
We have managed last year to hold a global market share of four percent, and we are determined to do our best to increase the percentage in the future to 10 to 15 percent. (We managed to maintain a 4-percent global smartphone market share load-year and we are deterministic mined to do our best to expand the percentage to 10 to 15 percent in the future)
“We are determined,” “do our best”, “in the future” – that does not sound like he actually believe it. Confidence in any case sounds different. And an indefinite time reference such as “in the future” would at least satisfy me as a shareholder no whit.
HTC is faced with a seemingly overwhelming competition. According to Phone Arena, Samsung is investing approximately tenfold in marketing, and also does not precisely known at the Apple gnawing hunger cloth. In addition, Nokia and BlackBerry, the rise is much harder than going down, just had to learn. The latter walk dangerously close to the abyss (which CEO Thomas Heins has not stopped dreaming of the “absolute leadership” in five years – against Peter Chou has audacious program still modest). Even with a technology giant like Microsoft in the back of the rise in the mobile market is difficult, as you can see by the example of Windows Phone.
HTCAnd I would really enjoy the success. The Taiwanese have with their flagship smartphone one can celebrate a moderate success after another with the critics. And yet it sells at best half as good as the Galaxy S 4, which is expressed very optimistic. Reached in terms of design, HTC has always shown courage and built my view not only this year with the best smartphones that were technically on the amount of time. They recycle not always the same style. Compare that already pretty or One X One V with the current one or the Butterfly S.
Unlike Samsung, most HTC models can tell them apart even without a magnifying glass . / © HTC / AndroidPIT
also strategically makes HTC not all wrong. Even if they do not flood the market (can) such as Samsung (which brings its own problems is how the Koreans pretty soon realize safe), so they have a Google Edition of the HTC one and also a mini or maxi version announced their flagship. Similar to Samsung. At the end actually seems to make the difference only the money.
I personally would like to see the pressure on Apple and especially Samsung and HTC may grow down. At least so much that they can not go and invest more. We do not need a new monopolist. Because then it was with the Innovationsmut, especially when one of the main selling points: the design. Maybe it’s time for an appeal. Are you with us?
Via: Phone ArenaSource: Focus Taiwan
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