As some of the messages in our forums and other sources can be removed, the GDR2 update for the HTC devices currently provides isolated for some problems. So it may be that the smartphone suddenly goes out and then can not be turned. Also the plug in to the charger and other tricks do not seem the device to be able to free themselves from the rigor mortis.
Since the HTC 8X has a permanently installed battery, no reset spontaneous removal of the power supply can unfortunately cause, as is the case other devices may be partially made. After all, the number of persons affected, however, seems to be limited. In addition, some could solve the problem by themselves they left empty the unit itself. This was possible because in some cases the LED backlight was still active and current cost.
cause of the problem still unsolvedAs far neither Microsoft nor HTC have expressed about this issue, one can only speculate what exactly is the cause of the crash. In the forum of title=”Windows phone”> WP Central and also in our thought, however, that it has to do with the playing of music and movies and the benefits of WhatsApp, because in most cases crashed or frozen while the device.
Should you also have become a victim of such crash, it is recommended that you return the instrument or visit the nearest electronics market, in which it was purchased before. As soon as there is new information on this matter, we will tell you this. Please see this best in our forum.
Source: WP Central (English) / PocketPC forum
You look just HTC 8X and 8S: GDR2 update can cripple smartphone from PocketPC.ch
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