Tuesday, March 4, 2014

HTC One 2: Geleaktes video appears to be genuine - STERN.DE

 HTC One, One +, M8, smartphone, rumors, release

Hot stuff: Because of this Youtube video to teenager has apparently had great trouble with HTC ©

U pdate 04 March: The leaked video appears to be genuine. As the tech blog “Ars Technica” reports, it has been uploaded by a teenager named Roshan Jamkatel on Youtube. Then threatened Jeff Gordon, online communications manager at HTC, the boy allegedly on Twitter. “There will be not a good week for you, my friend,” he is said to have written: “We will get back to you.” Gordon denies this, however, although the network is circulating a screenshot of the Twitter conversation, but the actual threatening tweets are gone. Jamkatel claiming its part, the smart phone in the video is a fake, and he had not even put the film into the Internet. HTC manager Gordon is said to have tweeted, however, his company had identified the unit by means of the so-called IMEI number. A strong indication that it is indeed HTC One 2. Now his word against hers, maybe HTC is really mad at Jamkatel, or the whole thing is just a shrewd PR move.

 HTC One, One +, M8, smartphone, rumors, release

“We’ll get ‘. Alleged Twitter conversation between Roshan Jamkatel and HTC manager Jeff Gordon ©

update 03 March: The official presentation date at which the HTC one is probably 2 presented is only in three weeks. But even now a twelve minute video is on the net surfaced, in which the new HTC flagship is to be seen – next to its predecessor. The comparison shows that the new HTC One will have a larger screen and a more arched back. In addition, a second camera on the back, whose exact purpose is still unclear. Anyway, the One 2 is but according to “The Verge” significantly faster and better pictures than its predecessor.


update 18 February: Yet another picture of the new HTC flagship has appeared: Again, the second camera on the back along with double flash is seen. But this time surprised the housing: Saw the smartphone on its predecessor recent photos confusingly similar to, the phone on the new picture reminds due to the stronger curvature rather to the HTC Butterfly.

HTC has become the first invitations for an event on 25 March sent to members of the press on which the new one is shown.

 HTC One, One +, M8, smartphone, rumors, release

Sets the HTC one successor to a new camera module?

update 05 February 2014: The network is on the Twitter account “htcfamily_ru” surfaced a new image of the alleged HTC-one successor (codename M8): You can see a housing that is largely similar to last year’s model. However, two different sized cameras are to be seen on the back, next to the larger lens also is a dual LED flash. If the picture is genuine, that would speak for a dual camera module, which is already suspected for some time. As the new HTC flagship will be called, is still unknown: Currently in the network are circulating the names “One +” and “One 2″


update 17 January 2014: With the one the Taiwanese smartphone maker HTC succeeded in the past year a great success: The Android device thanks to the noble processed aluminum housing not only a visual eye-catcher, and technically can convince the top model. Now obviously the successor is just around the corner: According to rumors, the new smartphone is one + hot, internally it is listed as HTC M8


According to “Bloomberg” to the design of the new model have not changed radically, but the screen will be larger than its predecessor. The 2013er model has a 4.7-inch screen with full HD resolution, the 2014er device should have a five-inch touch screen. Also, the processor HTC wants reloading and bring Qualcomm Snapdragon modern-805 processor for use. The is with clock rates of up to 2.5 Ggigahertz not only significantly quicker than current computing chips, but also supports the fast LTE +.

With the so-called Ultra pixel camera HTC made last year for a stir: instead emulate the megapixel race of the competition, put the Taiwanese to a relatively large sensor with lower resolution, which succeed especially low-noise images. ” / p>

Even in low light it still produces good pictures. In the next one-generation HTC wants to be topped: Toshiba recently presented a dual camera module, which contains two image sensors, each with five megapixels. From these two frames of the chip calculates a high auflösenderes photo. According to insider reports is stuck with six or eight megapixels HTC One +, a similar sensor.

Other sources report that the One + manages without sensor buttons. There should be neither a back nor a home button. Whether HTC will really make such a radical incision is questionable.

The new edition of the One is expected for February or early March. Last year, HTC showed its top model just before the Mobile World Congress (MWC). This year, the mobile exhibition of 24 to 27 February in Barcelona.


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